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Mishloach Manot

02/16/2024 05:39:00 PM


Dear Members and Friends,

As Rosh Chodesh Adar I has already passed, it is time to begin thinking about Purim. This year, in place of our usual Mishloach Manot project, we feel it is appropriate as a sign of unity with Israel to fulfill the essence of the mitzvot of Purim in a more meaningful way. What better way to participate in the spirit of Simchas Purim than by spreading happiness and support to families in Israel who have been...Read more...

Parent Child Learning

12/14/2023 11:00:38 PM


PCL this week is sponsored by Stu and Judy Morgan in honor of all the learning each and every week that takes place in the shul, it should be a zchus for the safe return of all Chayalim and hostages.
 If you would like to sponsor in the future, please contact Mark Posner or Ruchie Weinstock.

Musaf in Shul Club - Week 3

12/14/2023 10:58:17 PM


This week is Week 3 of the Musaf in Shul Club (MSC) that will go until January 27th (9 weeks). Children that have 7 tickets by the end of the session will be eligible to participate in a special trip to be announced this week. Please encourage your children to participate and stay in shul to daven with the main minyan for Musaf.

MSC is for boys and girls Grades 5-8 and optional for junior members in Grade 3 and 4. Any child...Read more...

Rivka Ravitz, former Chief of Staff to the former President of Israel Reuven Rivlin

12/06/2023 09:42:38 PM


Please reserve Sunday night December 17th, 2023 at 8:00 PM for a special night of inspiration. We have the special privilege to host Rivka Ravitz, former Chief of Staff to the former President of Israel Reuven Rivlin as our guest speaker. The program is open to men and women and is free of charge. 

We would like to thank those that sponsored:

Moshe and Dina Blank in memory of Moshe's grandmother  Arnie and Norma...Read more...

Schedule Vayishlach, Erev Chanukah, Chanukah: December 1 - December 8 (Kislev 18 - Kislev 25)

12/01/2023 12:15:36 AM


Upcoming events this week of October Wed 23 Hoshana Rabah ...Read more...

Join us this Friday Night Dec 1 @ 7:45 PM for an Oneg Shabbos Topic: “The Word From Israel”

11/28/2023 10:22:02 PM


There will be a special Oneg Shabbos this Friday Night at 7:45 PM at the Shul . We will have the privilege to hear from Ari Kinsberg and Natan Mandelbaum who have recently spent time in Eretz Yisrael.

Defensive Driving at MPJC

11/24/2023 12:27:25 PM


There will be a defensive Driving at MPJC this Sunday November 26th at 10am. Discount for shul members. For more information or registration call 718 891-3776 or email 


Shalosh Seudos this Week

11/24/2023 12:26:19 PM


Shalosh seudos this week is being sponsored by the Srulie and Ann Silverstein, in memory of his father, Pinchas Yoel ben Yerachmiel Tzvi. May his neshama have an aliyah. If you would like to sponsor in the future, please contact the shul office.

PCL Week 3

11/24/2023 12:25:51 PM


The week's PCL is being sponsored by Mark and Bella Plushnick for the advancement of Jewish learning by the children of MYMPJC.

Schedule Vayetzei: November 24 - December 1 (Kislev 11 - Kislev 18)

11/24/2023 12:22:00 PM


Erev Shabbos, November 24 (Kislev 11)
6:25 AM Shacharis
4:14 PM Candle Lighting
4:24 PM Mincha followed by Kabbalas Shabbos

Shabbos, November 25: Vayetzei (Kislev 12)
9:00 AM Shacharis
9:18 AM Sof Zman Krias Shema
10:00 AM Youth Groups - Approx time of Torah Reading
11:15 AM Following Shacharis, Daf Yomi and Pirkei Avos
3:50 PM Barchi...

11/24/2023 12:20:24 PM


Shabbat 6/21 Read More More Posts >>


Wed, October 23 2024 21 Tishrei 5785